This job was my most challenging so far!  The first day I wanted to cry....BUT! I dug deep and went to Lowe's and bought a fantastic gadget that made my life much easier!  A wallpaper steamer remover....a wonderful invention that truly works.  You have to let it warm up for about 20 minutes, but once it gets to that magic temperature it does the trick!  Wallpaper removal is a long and tedious job, but the reward is worth it.  The homeowner was so pleased once he saw the flowers and fruit gone and a beautiful gold color on his dining room walls.  Beautiful!  A total of three rooms were transformed from drab and outdated to bright and cheery with some redesign work thrown in the mix.  It was a most satisfying job and I am sorry that it is over.  I really enjoyed this project and hope that the homeowner at some point will hire me to come back and paint two guest rooms which could use a fresh look with color.  I learned a hard lesson these past two weeks......patience and steam are the key elements in removing wallpaper!!!!  :)

So glad that wallpaper is GONE!!!!
9/27/2010 09:03:22 am

Great Blog.


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