Look at what the boys are up to now!   The guys set the posts in concrete for the front of the porch and the deck.  You may now be able to determine where the deck will be built.  On Friday the brick layer will be at the site and also the concrete guy who will score the concrete floor.  For those who don't know what that means is that he will bring a machine in and etch lines in the concrete which when he is finished it will look like a tile floor.  He is going to make a design all the way around the edge of the room and then etch the floor into 3' X 3' tile designs.  Once the porch is constructed he will come back and stain and seal the floor with a deep coca cola color.  Lots of red and brown shades in it with a swirl effect.  The brick layer will start building a brick wall on the concrete floor all around the edge of the porch that will be 2' tall.  The brick layer has been shown where the owners want outlets installed by the electrician, so he will need to install empty outlet boxes inside the brick wall as he builds the walls so the electrician can run the electricity to the porch at the appropriate time. Once that is complete then the guys will put a wood plate on top of the brick wall to build the screened porch.  So many stages to this project.  While the brick layer is working his magic, Aaron, Wes and Phil will be constructing the deck.  Check back by mid-next week and you will see a huge difference in this project!!!!

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