Organizing is a huge task when lots of time has elapsed with working all day and all other duties that involve in being a spouse, caretaker, taxi cab driver!, and not being able to say NO when someone asks you for your help.  I started a job this week helping a family make sense of what seemed confusing to them.  They needed closet space and every inch of each closet was packed.  Some things not needed any more, some things just needed to be organized in a space that could be easily gotten to.  What ever the need was we got started and in three and half days we made great progress!  Of course, when you start a project like this, one thing leads to it is not as easily done as one would think and it takes much more time than you can imagine.  But when that closet gets organized and you can go right to what you want without digging and pulling half of the closet out to get that one item....WOW....what a feeling!  You even find space to put those books, pictures and treasures that are laying around in your home.  If you are living in clutter and have bulging closets and don't want to tackle it by yourself, call me.  I would love to help you.  You will be surprised how happy and peaceful it will make you feel when your home is organized and free of clutter.  Make it happen today!!!!!   

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